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Madelia Strong, Inc. Press Release

May 05, 2016

Shortly after the Main Street fire in Madelia on February 3, donations began pouring in from people and businesses who wanted to help the Madelia community recover from the devastation of the fire. Madelia Strong, Inc. was formed as a non-profit corporation to administer assistance to those directly affected by the fire. Madelia Strong is organized as a public charity and is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Board members of Madelia Strong consist of local business owners and members of the business community. The Board created programs to get funds into the hands of the fire victims who need it most.


Madelia Strong’s programs provide financial relief to employees of the affected businesses in the form of grants to replace some of their lost income and assist businesses by purchasing equipment that would help reestablish their operations. All of the affected businesses are operating out of temporary locations except for La Plaza Fiesta. Work is progressing to get the restaurant opened at the Madelia Golf Course clubhouse.


Clean-up of the disaster site began in early April, shortly after the fire marshal and insurance investigations were completed. All of the property owners are committed to rebuilding and are working with architects and engineers designing new buildings. Construction is expected to begin in June with the possibility  of some businesses operating from their Main Street locations by the end of the year.


The outpouring of support has been overwhelming. More than $400,000 of donations has been received to date. All of the funds collected will be used to rebuild and provide assistance to the victims of the fire. 


The total losses sustained by the property and business owners have yet to be determined, but will exceed the insurance coverage and donations received to date. If you would like to support our cause and help Madelia rebuild, you can make a tax deductible contribution to Madelia Strong, Inc. Please mail your contributions to Madelia Strong, PO Box 100, Madelia, MN 56062.

Madelia Fire Newsletter, from Region Nine Development Commission

April 13, 2016

Please click on  "Madelia Fire Update" button to read the update.



Madelia Fire Newsletter, from Region Nine Development Commission

April 06, 2016

Please click on  "Madelia Fire Update" button to read the update.



Madelia Fire Newsletter, from Region Nine Development Commission

March 30, 2016

Please click on  "Madelia Fire Update" button to read the update.



Madelia Fire Newsletter, from Region Nine Development Commission

March 23, 2016

Please click on  "Madelia Fire Update" button to read the update.



Madelia Fire Newsletter, from Region Nine Development Commission

March 09, 2016

Please click on  "Madelia Fire Update" button to read the update.



Hope & Faith Up and Running!

March 03, 2016

New Partnership for Hope and Faith Floral 


One month after the devastating fire, Hope and Faith are up and running. They have partnered with Sunshine foods in Madelia. Their plan is to have 'grab and go' items at Sunshine foods as well as custom orders. Call 507-643-8967 or visit their website:

Madelia Fire Newsletter, from Region Nine Development Commission

March 02, 2016

Please click on  "Madelia Fire Update" button to read the update.



Tressa Veona - Temporary Location

February 19, 2016

Tressa Veona has a temporary space at Lori's Hair Salon. Starting February 19th appointments can be made at Lori's Hair Salon on Friday and Saturday afternoons and Mondays until they relocate to their new location. All available times will be by appointment only, no walk in times will be available. For specific appointments, please contact your stylist directly
For open appointments, please contact Summer at 507-642-2355.



Open for Valentines Day

February 14, 2016

Hope and Faith Floral used the old flower shop and was up and running for Valentines day! 

Governor Dayton, Visits Madelia

February 05, 2016

On Friday, Feb. 5th, at 9:00 a.m. Governor Dayton along with multiple state and local representives, were in Madelia at the American Legion to address the fire devastation. 


The Morning After

February 04, 2016

Many people were still in disbelief that the fire had happened. Some of the businesses that were not destroyed by the fire were closed due to smoke and water damage. Some stuck it out and opened, however, including Preferred Printing. Preferred Printing had 100 Madelia Stong shirts made by the following day for community of Madelia, to stick together as one.


The night of the fire

February 03, 2016

Madelia downtown buildings were destroyed in the early morning fire. Most of a city block was damaged or destroyed on Main Street in Madelia in a fire that began early Wednesday morning and continued for hours. From about 2:30 a.m. until around noon, firefighters showered water over a major fire in downtown Madelia that damaged or destroyed at least five businesses in seven buildings on the north side of the downtown business district. Madelia City Administrator Jane Piepgras said La Plaza Fiesta restaurant, Hope and Faith Floral and Gift, Culligan store, sewing business, Mexican grocery store, dental office, American Family Insurance Brokerage, and Tressa Veona hair salon were all damaged or destroyed.

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Part of the heart of Madelia was lost in the fire. It's gone and will never be replaced.

We will get past this. We will rebuild. We are Madelia Strong!

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